
Average score 954 Reviews
Mimi ZAJDA noted on Google

2 months ago
Maxime Nguyen noted on Google

2 months ago
Alix Payelleville noted on Google

2 months ago
jemmy Negatron noted on Google

Je viens de manger une excellente fondue. Je vous recommande. Les prix sont abordables 36 Euro pour une fondue pour 2 personnes. Par contre les cocktails sans alcool au litchi était très mal mélanger ce qui fait que j'ai eux le goût de sirop d'un coup puis de l'eau dessus pour le prix. Par celui au mojito sans alcool est très bon. Rien a redire. Les kibimpap sont très bon. Pour le dessert les mochi ne sont pas servi a la bonne température. Il sont beaucoup gelé. Le service et l'accueil sont top. (Translated by Google) I just had an excellent fondue. I recommend you. Prices are affordable 36 Euro for a fondue for 2 people. On the other hand, the non-alcoholic lychee cocktails were mixed very poorly which meant that I suddenly tasted like syrup and then water on top for the price. The non-alcoholic mojito is very good. No complaints. The kibimpap are very good. For dessert, the mochi are not served at the right temperature. They are frozen a lot. The service and welcome are top notch.

2 months ago
Yu LIOU noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The fried rice cake in the sweet and sour fried chicken is slightly spicy and sweet. It is just enough to be shared by four people without getting tired of it. It is delicious. The instant noodles in the army pot are delicious. (Original) 糖醋炸雞中的炸年糕微辣甜甜的 四個人分剛好不膩 好吃 和 部隊鍋中的泡麵 好吃

2 months ago
Claire BOISSY noted on Google

Menu de midi barbecue très bon, un service agréable, dans un décor sympa. Je recommande (Translated by Google) Very good barbecue lunch menu, pleasant service, in a nice decor. I recommend

2 months ago
F.-L. Corentin noted on Google

2 months ago
veanny __ noted on Google

Un serveur attentif pendant le service et les proportion du BBQ (menu D) sont généreuses. Malheureusement, les sides dishes ne comportaient pas de kimchi mais des pois chiches. (Translated by Google) An attentive server during service and the proportions of the BBQ (menu D) are generous. Unfortunately, the side dishes did not contain kimchi but chickpeas.

2 months ago
Astou noted on Google

2 months ago
Vanessa J noted on Google

Les entrées sont délicieuses. J'ai adoré. Les plats ne m'ont pas plus impressionnés que ça après les entrées. Le serveur s'est permis des propos insultants sur le ton de la rigolade qui ont un peu jetés un froid d'entrée. Mais par la suite la soirée s'est bien déroulée. Nous avons passé un super moment. (Translated by Google) The starters are delicious. I loved. The dishes didn't impress me that much after the starters. The waiter indulged in some insulting remarks in a joking tone which caused a bit of a chill from the start. But afterward the evening went well. We had a great time.

2 months ago

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